An aromatherapy massage incorporates the use of essential oils within your massage. Absorbing the oil through your skin into your bloodstream combined with inhaling the aromatic molecules gives your massage a great boost of benefits. Using essential oils can help reduce anxiety and stress, as well as symptoms of depression. Aromatherapy can also offer immune support, arthritis and pain relief or even help ease nausea. Essential oils are a great way to get an added benefit to your massage. Most essential oils are antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal.
I offer a variety of Young Living and Doterra essential oils. Their essential oils not only smell wonderful but also have holistic properties. Doterra uses steam distillation to extract their oils, while Young Living does both steam distillation and cold pressing. These methods produce the purest form of oils without sacrificing their healing properties.
*if you know of an essential oil you want to use, let me know ahead of time. If I don’t have it, I can order it.